News from Mike

The Current Environment

There is some doom and gloom on the horizon of the economy right now. I’m normally a very optimistic person but things are going on right now that do not bode well for the future, and I would be not doing my job if I didn’t talk about them. You need to know what’s happening…

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How to Help Increase Your Confidence through Retirement

We’re here to talk about all things retirement because we want to help you retire confidently. We’re going to break down some things you can do to potentially improve your situation , so that you are one step closer to being ready to retire.   Studies show that your retirement income needs to be at…

Stop Stressing Over Money and Start Enjoying your Retirement

According to a recent survey by Goldman Sachs, many people out there don’t have confidence in their retirement savings. Only 25% of the population are at a point where they can retire with at least 70% of their pre-retirement income. An overwhelming majority are living in retirement with a lifestyle that is not what they…

How to Aim for a Worry-Free Retirement

I read an article a few nights ago that described what’s happening right now in the world. You may be unaware of this, but America is experiencing a retirement crisis. Part of this is because the stock market has not been cooperating. Part of it is because Americans often don’t save enough for retirement. The…

Need to Sell Your Property and Assets but Pay Less Taxes? Here’s How

Some of you out there might have a valuable tool in your retirement arsenal, but if there are tax consequences involved, you may not know what to do with it. Several weeks ago, I talked to a couple who had inherited a piece of land worth around $5 million, and they had no desire to…

Need to Sell Your Stock but Pay Less Taxes? Here’s How

We have some tips and tricks for those of you who may be in transition mode. If you’re tired of a daily commute and want to make a life change, reach out to us so we can try to help you decide on that. The conversation of the moment is what to do when we’ve…

Tired of Taxes and Your Commute? Maybe It Is Time for a Change

We have taxes coming up as a topic of conversation. Earlier, we talked about how tiring a daily commute to the office can be. There may be a transition step you can take to get out of that high-stress environment, even if you’re not quite ready for retirement.   A client called our radio show,…

I Want To Retire But Need My Income

I’ve been reading in the news that many big companies have been making people go back to work. Instead of working from your home, you may now have to go back to the office and your daily commute. Starbucks was the most recent company I saw where they’re now requiring employees to be in the…

Lessons for Tax Planning That Were Learned From A Ski Trip

I have a story to share with you that also applies to tax planning. I was out in New Mexico with my family between Christmas and New Year’s Day, and we have a place near Rideau. While there, my youngest daughter wanted to go snowboarding with a few friends at a nearby ski mountain called…

How The 2023 Secure Act 2.0 Will Help With College

Today I want to talk about the “un-secure act.” Technically, the name is the Secure Act 2.0. I call it the “un-secure act” because our government may be fabulously good at acronyms, but frequently when they give you an acronym, the outcome is the opposite. The inflation protection act is a great example.   This…

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