News from Mike

How to Retire and Aim for the Same Standard of Living

I recently read an article that said retirees need 70% or more of their pre-retirement income to feel confident and enjoy their retirement years. Unfortunately, only about 25% of Americans are at that level, and many see a decline in their standard of living in retirement.   What can you do to better your situation…

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Election Results & The Impact on the Markets in 2021

Every four years, the U.S. presidential election can have a major impact on policy, laws and foreign relations. But how do presidential elections affect the market?

Join Michael Reese, CFP and Zach Holcomb as they take a look at how the election results may impact your personal finances: taxes, investments, health care, retirement, and more.

When Should You Take Social Security

Social security is a major part of your retirement income, even if you already have plenty of assets. Determining when to start collecting social security is an important financial decision that requires careful consideration of many factors.

Join Michael Reese, CFP and Zach Holcomb as they dive into a discussion on weighing your options, and carefully assessing the factors you need to be aware of, before making the decision to start your social security.

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early, Before You Retire?

Paying off your home mortgage before you decide to retire is a massive achievement, but you don’t necessarily have to pay your home off to retire comfortably. Some people enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a debt-free retirement. However, you should always weigh good feelings against the financial facts.

Join Michael Reese, CFP and Zach Holcomb as they discuss the pro’s and con’s of a mortgage in retirement.

The Pivotal Role Asset Location Plays in a Portfolio’s Success

When talking about investment portfolios and plans, people tend to only focus on asset allocation. However, people don’t realize that the importance of asset LOCATION is just as important.

Join Michael Reese, CFP and Zach Holcomb for a can’t miss discussion on how you can plan, to not only make sure your investments are allocated properly. But to be sure they are in the right locations as well.

Five Truths About The Presidential Election, No Matter Who Wins

Coronavirus has upended the traditional rhythm of an American presidential election year. 2020 is still an election year, however, and the campaigns will go on. While this election will have a massive impact on our country, one area where we caution investors from drawing too many links is the world of investing.

Join Michael Reese, CFP and Zach Holcomb for an inside look on investing truths no matter who wins this year’s election.

Mutual Funds Vs ETFs

Have you ever been curious about the similarities and differences between Mutual Funds and Exchanged Traded Funds? (MF and ETF)? The truth is that both have a lot in common. There are several key differences, however, that could make one a better option for you than the other.

Join Michael Reese, CFP and Zach Holcomb for a discussion in terms of how they are bought and sold, how their prices change, their fees, commissions and loads, their income tax implications, their holding restrictions, their investment minimums, and more.

Income Planning

When you get ready to leave the workplace, the importance of planning for INCOME in retirement is of the upmost importance.

Join Michael Reese, CFP and Zach Holcomb for a high-level discussion on the importance of planning for income in retirement. Switching gears from saving for retirement to turning that savings into a retirement paycheck is a tricky proposition. Listen in to learn about the steps that can help bring your retirement income plan into focus.

Understanding Medicare in 2020

While many costs go down in retirement, health care continues to creep up occupying substantial financial resources as well as time. In this informative podcast, Zach Holcomb and Becky Reese will discuss all things Medicare and how to navigate it.

The Three Questions of Retirement

Listen in as Mike and Zach share with you the THREE burning questions that you need to answer in retirement. The closer you get to retirement, the more excited you might feel about a period of life when your days are yours to enjoy and you don’t have to punch a clock or report to an office. But the last thing you want to do is let that excitement push you into retirement before you are financially ready.

If you just retired, or you are getting ready to retire, then this week’s show is for you.

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